Should You Install a Dash Cam in Your Teenager’s Car?
Young drivers – aged between 15 and 20 – are quite a large percentage of total drivers on the US roads today. Rough estimates are over 5%, and that translates to over 12 million teenage drivers (according to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). This poses a question to the parents of these young drivers worried about their safety. Does it make sense to install a dash cam in their teenage son/daughter’s car?

Proof in case of an accident.
First of all, a dash cam serves as a great tool for everyone – parents and teenagers alike – because of one important reason. And that is: a dash cam provides objective evidence in case something happens. From hit-and-runs, insurance fraud attempts and “he said, she said” situations – a dash cam has you covered. It’s the same for teenage drivers. Thanks to the dash cam footage you can easily assess the situation at hand, see who was at fault. If it was your child – you can use it as a learning experience. If it was the other party’s fault – you can be sure your kid won’t take the blame.

According to a study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, one in five drivers aged 16-18 had been in a crash or near-miss within the past year. Most of these crashes were caused by inexperience and distraction.
Dash cams help the parents monitor their kids’ driving habits and ensure that they’re safe on the road. Just by simply being installed in a car, a dash cam makes a person drive less carelessly and be more aware of their surroundings.
Drivers that use dash cams typically feel safer, have fewer accidents and are less likely to be distracted while driving since they are more aware of their surroundings. For parents with teenagers, a dash cam is imperative for safety and peace of mind.
Moreover, dash cams make it easier to keep track of all the places a teenage driver goes.

Privacy concerns
We can’t forget that privacy is a big issue for teenagers, though. While some may be understanding of their parents wanting to install a dash cam in their car, some may take it as a way of exercising additional control over them. The best solution to solve this problem may be… a conversation. We recommend simply talking to your children